Air Quality Assessments in Leeds

Leeds Air Quality Assessment

Development in Leeds

Leeds is the largest city in Yorkshire and a major economic centre in the north of England. Fuelled by its transformation from a frontrunner in the wool industry to a thriving hub for technology and finance, it has entered an age of rapid growth.

With over £7 billion invested into future projects in commercial property alone, Leeds is experiencing exceptional physical regeneration. Upcoming changes to the city skyline include the Leeds City One development, which will provide nearly 2,000 homes and the tallest tower in the city – set to stand at an impressive 45-storeys. Further development includes a £100 million extension to Leeds-Bradford Airport and the construction of the new White Rose railway station.

With such growth, comes more people, buildings, vehicles and consequently, an environmental impact, of which air pollution is a main player. Given that poor air quality is now the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK, it is essential that the effect from such soaring growth is managed effectively. Air Quality Assessments in Leeds are a crucial part of the development process to enable a sustainable and clean air future for local residents.

Air Quality in Leeds

Air quality in Leeds has historically been poor. In 2023, air pollution was linked to 54 out of every 1,000 deaths, and in 2019 it was identified as having the UK’s most polluted road outside of London. In recent years, Leeds has experienced a decline in pollutant concentrations, though there are still exceedences of the Air Quality Objectives at a variety of locations within the local authority boundaries.

To mitigate poor air quality within the city, Leeds City Council has launched their Air Quality Action Plan. This involves the installation of new bus lanes, cycle lanes and electric charging infrastructure to improve access to cleaner methods of travel.

It is crucial that developments continue to support an improvement in air quality. This should be managed through sound determination and effective mitigation of air quality impacts associated with proposals. This is why Air Quality Assessments in Leeds are needed.

Air Quality Assessments for Planning

Air Quality Assessments in Leeds are now required in support of nearly all planning applications for new developments. Typically, these comprise assessment of three main elements. These are:

  • Potential exposure of future occupiers to harmful pollution levels
  • The impact of emissions from vehicles travelling to and from the scheme
  • The impact of dust emissions generated during construction

Addressing these as part of your application could be the deciding factor for its success or refusal.

Air Quality Assessments in Leeds

The success of your planning application could be aided by Redmore Environmental’s experience undertaking Air Quality Assessments in Leeds. You will gain advice on planning applications and discharging conditions, as well as addressing consultation responses and public comments. We have produced Air Quality Assessments in Leeds for residential and educational schemes, as well as industrial and commercial facilities. Last year alone, over 500 assessments were completed in support of developments similar to yours.

Across Leeds, we have been involved in a number of exciting projects in recent years. These include:

  • Lisbon Street, Leeds – Demolition of existing structures and the construction of two office blocks and a 45-storey residential tower, as well as associated car parking. This forms a part of the previously mentioned Leeds City One scheme and will introduce a new landmark to the Leeds city skyline
  • Park Lane, Leeds – Construction of a Purpose-Built Student Accommodation tower to provide 242 apartments alongside associated infrastructure and landscaping. The scheme was an essential step to providing housing for the large student population
  • Middle Quadrant, Leeds – Development of 517 residential dwellings and a new access road with car parking, cycle spaces, landscaping and associated infrastructure. This forms part of a wider masterplan for the extension of East Leeds
  • Skelton Grange, Leeds – Construction of 74,057m2 of B8/B2 floorspace for commercial use.

Air Quality Assessment Services

Our air quality experts specialise in all aspects of air quality consultancy. Those relating to planning include:

Additional Services

We also have expertise in the following areas:

Get in Touch

If you are concerned about air quality or require an Air Quality Assessment in Leeds undertaking to support a planning application for your development, then please get in touch today to discuss how we can help you ensure permission is granted.

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