Ammonia Assessment


An Ammonia Assessment is required to demonstrate the effect an agricultural development may have on the environment. These may include new livestock housing, manure stores and slurry lagoons and be requested by different regulators including the Environment Agency, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, National Resources Wales and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, as well as Local Planning Authorities. Our specialist Air Quality Consultants have extensive experience of assessing ammonia (NH3) emissions. We can use this knowledge to ensure a successful planning or permitting outcome for your scheme.

Ammonia Assessment Services

Redmore Environmental specialises in providing all aspects of ammonia risk assessment and consultancy for the agricultural sector. These services include:

  • Consultation with Natural England and Local Planning Authorities to discuss and agree the scope of Ammonia Assessments.
  • Completion of Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits (SCAIL) Assessments to screen potential ammonia impacts on sensitive habitats.
  • Simple Ammonia Risk Assessment, or NH3 Risk Assessment, for low risk projects.
  • Dispersion Modelling Assessments to quantify ammonia impacts on sensitive habitats.
  • Detailed In-combination Assessments to inform Habitats Regulations Assessments.
  • Completion of air quality specific Appropriate Assessments for Habitats Regulations Assessments.
  • Ammonia monitoring to determine baseline conditions at ecological designations, internal levels within livestock houses or releases from manure stores and lagoons.
  • Production of Ammonia Management Plans in accordance with the ‘Code of Good Agricultural Practice‘ (COGAP) for Reducing Ammonia Emissions’ guidance produced by the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Ammonia is not the only pollutant of concern from agricultural activities. Odours, dust and bioaerosols, as well as emissions from on-farm combustion processes, may also cause amenity or health problems for occupants of nearby properties. Redmore Environmental is able to assist and provide a full scope of works for your project. Assessment of all potential issues is therefore undertaken, ensuring robust applications.

If you are unsure of what assessments should be included as part of your planning or Environmental Permit application, then please get in touch with one of our specialist Air Quality Consultants today to discuss further the level of NH3 risk assessment required for your project.

Why undertake an Ammonia Assessment?

Ammonia can impact on the environment by damaging sensitive habitats and reduce biodiversity through acidification and eutrophication. Additionally, ammonia reacts with other species to form particulates when released into the atmosphere. These are harmful to human health. Concerningly, the UK Government have identified that ammonia levels are increasing and have subsequently focused on the agricultural sector, the dominant source of ammonia accounting for approximately 88% of emissions, in its Clean Air Strategy. As a result, ammonia can act as a significant constraint to development if not properly assessed or appropriately mitigated. An Ammonia Risk Assessment undertaken by a specialist Air Quality Consultant can therefore prevent delays to planning approval or Environmental Permit authorisation.

Find out more by reading our Ammonia Assessment in the UK article on our website.

Ammonia Experts

Redmore Environmental has experience of preparing Ammonia Assessments, or NH3 Assessments, to support a wide range of agricultural schemes. These have resolved challenging issues for developers of small scale and intensive farms. Projects have included detailed In-combination Assessments, as well as air quality Appropriate Assessments, in order to address formal planing objections. These have included consultation responses from Natural England and local wildlife trusts on specific planning applications.

Successfully undertaken projects include:

  • Improvements to existing housing arrangements to provide modern buildings for over-wintering of dairy and beef cattle.
  • Expansion of intensive sow, pig, broiler and pullet rearing sites to allow a greater throughput of annual livestock numbers.
  • Biomass boiler installations,.
  • New farm-yard-manure and slurry stores to provide sufficient capacity to ensure compliance with the nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ) rules.

Get in touch with one of our specialist Air Quality Consultants today to find out more about how we can help you overcome any ammonia risk assessment issues you may be facing with a planning or permit application, or visit our case studies to review recently completed projects or ammonia related news.

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