Ecological Air Quality Assessment


An Ecological Air Quality Assessment may be necessary as humans are not the only species susceptible to the effects of poor air quality. Pollution can also influence natural habitats by damaging individual species, altering the composition of ecological systems and ultimately resulting in loss of vegetation and diversity.

Ecological Air Quality Assessment Services

We provide a range of Ecological Air Quality Assessment services. These include:

  • Ammonia Assessment of agricultural and livestock emissions
  • Completion of Environment Agency Nature and Heritage Conservation Screening to determine the scope of the Ecological Air Quality Assessment
  • Completion of the Environment Agency H1 Risk Assessment Software tool
  • Dispersion modelling assessment considering potential impacts on sensitive habitats from road vehicle emissions
  • Dispersion modelling assessment considering potential impacts on sensitive habitats from industrial emission sources
  • Dispersion modelling assessment considering potential impacts from agricultural sources
  • Ammonia Assessment of road vehicle exhaust emissions including use of Calculator for Road Emissions of Ammonia (CREAM)
  • Completion of Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits (SCAIL) screening assessments
  • Completion of Air Quality Specific Appropriate Assessments
  • Input to overarching Habitats Regulations Assessments

Why Undertake an Ecological Air Quality Assessment?

The natural environment is an essential resource. Not only does it provide goods, such as food and raw materials, it regulates global systems such as climate, undertakes supporting services such as nutrient cycling and acts as a source of cultural enrichment. These are collectively known as Ecosystem Services. It is therefore vital to apply measures to limit degradation of ecosystems as far as practicable.

The requirement to protect the natural environment has been recognised through legislation, which influences permitting regulations and planning policy alike. Ecological Air Quality Assessments are therefore necessary for schemes which are likely impact on designated nature conservation sites.

Sites of ecological importance are designated at local, national and international levels due to the presence of wildlife, geology and geomorphology. These include:

  • Special Protects Areas (SPAs)
  • Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)
  • Ramsar sites (protected wetlands)
  • Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)
  • Local Nature Reserves
  • Local Wildlife Sites
  • National Nature Reserves
  • Ancient Woodlands

Air Quality Experts

Our Air Quality Consultants have completed Ecological Air Quality Assessments for a wide variety of schemes. These have included:

Our expertise and experience in this area will allow us to address your projects’ requirements by applying our specialist air quality knowledge.

Assessments are completed in accordance with the Institute of Air Quality Management ‘A guide to the assessment of air quality impacts on designated nature conservation sites‘ and the Environment Agency ‘Air Emissions Risk Assessment for Your environment Permit‘. These provide authoritative guidance on how to undertake Ecological Air Quality Assessments, as well as the criteria for results comparison.

For further information or to request a quote, please call today or contact us online.

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