Indoor Air Quality Testing

BREEAM Indoor Air Quality

Poor air quality within the internal environment may be attributable to a number of different sources. These can include materials within the building such as fixtures, fittings and cleaning products, as well as emissions from specific activities in the case of industrial installations. In addition, high internal pollution levels may be caused by inadequate ventilation or ingress of airborne substances from the external environment. These sources may act individually or collectively to cause a deterioration in air quality.

As we spend a substantial amount of our time indoors. It is therefore critically important that the air we breathe is free from harmful levels of pollutants. Prolonged exposure may lead to health effects, reduced productivity and staff well-being. In a commercial environment, these factors can contribute to sickness and absence from work which can result in negative implications for individuals and businesses.

A solution to the issue is to identify, quantify and remediate contaminant sources by undertaking Indoor Air Quality Testing. This work should be carried out by a suitably qualified Air Quality Consultant with the relevant expertise and technical knowledge.

Indoor Air Quality Testing Services

Redmore Environmental is able to provide comprehensive Indoor Air Quality Assessment services. These include:

We have extensive experience of addressing all Indoor Air Quality issues. Consequently, if the service you require is not specified above, or if you would like a comprehensive summary of our testing capabilities, then please get in touch.

What Will Indoor Air Quality Testing Include?

An Indoor Air Quality Assessment is likely to include an initial in-depth phone consultation. We will then follow up with a site visit to identify potential contaminant sources and, potentially, Indoor Air Quality Testing. Finally, a bespoke report will present the assessment results to allow comprehension by both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Recommendations for reducing exposure would be provided should unacceptable levels be identified within the internal environment.

Specific testing can also be provided to satisfy the BREEAM requirements. Please see out dedicated service page for more information or a case study of a successfully completed project in Manchester.

Air Quality Experts

Redmore Environmental has substantial experience in Indoor Air Quality Assessments and is able to provide bespoke consultancy to address your specific needs.

We have carried out Indoor Air Quality Assessments for a range of project types. These have included sites within the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. We have found that each presents a different issue. This diversity has enabled us to develop an in-depth understanding of the common issues surrounding indoor air quality today.

We support your specific requirements using the knowledge gained from our collective experience. This ensures the right solution can be identified and utilised to provide you with the results you need.

Please get in touch with a member of our team today to find out more about how we can help you find a solution to your indoor air quality testing requirements.

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