Workplace Air Quality Monitoring

in Workplace Air Quality Monitoring

Hazardous substances and processes in the workplace can cause serious health complications, including respiratory problems. Regulation 7(1) of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002) requires employers to ensure that exposure of their employees to substances hazardous to health is either prevented, or adequately controlled, where prevention is not reasonably practicable. Workplace Air Quality Monitoring in accordance with these guidelines ensure compliance with employer’s responsibilities when it comes to air quality in the workplace.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) EH40/2005 Workplace exposure limits  document sets out the UK workplace exposure limits (WELs) for a variety of hazardous substances. These are are specified as time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations, usually over a 15-minute or 8-hour period.

Redmore Environmental has specialist knowledge of applied sampling methods and associated technical standards outlined in methods for the determination of hazardous substances guidance in order to quantify pollutant levels in the workplace. We are therefore able to offer a complete range of services to help ensure that your facility is compliant with the relevant  health and safety requirements.

Workplace Air Quality Monitoring Services

We are able to provide monitoring of a wide range of occupational pollutants. Those commonly encountered include:

  • Dust.
  • Oil mist.
  • Welding fume.
  • Metal fractions.
  • Volatile organic compounds.
  • Formaldehyde.
  • Carbon monoxide.
  • Carbon dioxide.

All our work is undertaken in line with relevant standards and industry guidance. As such, you can be sure of the accuracy of all returned results.

What will Workplace Air Quality Monitoring Include?

Workplace Air Quality Monitoring is likely to include an initial in-depth phone consultation. We will then follow up with a site visit to identify operations and processes and monitor internal conditions. Finally, a bespoke report will present the monitoring results with comparison against the workplace exposure limits. This will allow comprehension by both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Specific indoor air quality testing can also be provided to satisfy the BREEAM requirements. Please see out dedicated service page for more information or a case study of a successfully completed project in Manchester.

Workplace Air Quality Monitoring Throughout the UK

The success of your project could be aided by Redmore Environmental’s 20 years of experience undertaking Workplace Air Quality Monitoring throughout the UK. Our consultants have specialist knowledge of applied sampling methods and associated technical standards. This has led to completion of Workplace Air Quality Monitoring for industrial and commercial facilities throughout the UK.

Examples of projects provided in recent years include:

  • Aberdeen and Rotherham Fabrication Facilities – Workplace Air Quality Monitoring was undertaken at two separate sites in Aberdeen and Rotherham in order to evaluate baseline air quality conditions as a result of emissions from welding activities at the sites. Monitoring was undertaken to quantify emissions of dust, hexavalent chromium and metal fractions, in accordance with the technical standards outlined in methods for the determination of hazardous substances guidance. The results were compared the relevant Workplace Exposure Limits outlined by the Health and Safety Executive.
  • Blackburn and London Bakeries – Workplace Dust Monitoring was undertaken at the Blackburn and Uxbridge sites to assess the risk of employee exposure to airborne flour dust as a result of baking activities. Measurements were taken of inhalable and respirable dust from a combination of static monitoring locations and within the lapel regions of employees at each site. Sampling was conducted in accordance with the procedures set out in the Health and Safety document ‘MDHS 14/4: General methods for sampling and gravimetric analysis of respirable, thoracic and inhalable aerosols’ (2014) and ‘G409 ‘Exposure Measurement: Air Sampling’ (2022). The results were compared to both the long-term and short-term Workplace Exposure Limits to ensure compliance with the relevant criteria.
  • Airport Fire Station – Workplace Air Quality Monitoring within an Airport Fire Station was undertaken in order to quantify pollutant concentrations within the main operational areas as a result of emissions from fire vehicles and aircraft taxiing in the vicinity of the building. Monitoring was undertaken to quantify emissions of dust, VOCs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in accordance with the technical standards outlined in methods for the determination of hazardous substances guidance for comparison against the relevant Workplace Exposure Limits.

Additional Services

We also have expertise in the following areas:

Our consultants have many years’ experience supporting a wide variety of schemes, both throughout the UK and internationally. We can use this knowledge to identify the most appropriate solution for your project, developing a bespoke Air Quality Assessment to address your site specific needs. This can include dispersion modelling as well as monitoring, with all services delivered by our in-house team. The approach ensures control of the assessment process throughout the project, as well as safeguarding levels of quality assurance.

Contact Us

For further information on how we can assist with your air quality monitoring project or to request a quote or proposal, please call today or contact us online.


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