Air Quality Assessments in Bristol

Bristol Air Quality Assessment

Development in Bristol

Bristol is the largest city in the south-west of England with a rich maritime history centred around its historic port and harbour, as captured above by our very own Alex Crayton. It has become known for its art and cultural scene and has become a leader in green energy innovation across the UK and Europe.

Bristol is currently going through a significant period of urban regeneration in areas such as the Temple Quarter (£350m), Bristol Harbourside (£120m) and Finzels Reach (£30m). There are no signs of development in Bristol slowing down. With such growth, comes more people, buildings, vehicles and consequently, an environmental impact, of which air pollution is a main player. Given that poor air quality is now the largest national environmental risk to public health, it is essential that the effect from such soaring growth is managed effectively. Air Quality Assessments in Bristol are a crucial part of the planning process to enable a sustainable and clean air future for local residents.

Air Quality in Bristol

The air quality in Bristol has historically been poor, particularly throughout central areas, with large exceedences of the UK Air Quality Objectives for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM). As a result, Bristol City Council has declared one Air Quality Management Area covering a large area around the city centre and arterial roads leading to the centre. In order to meet the UK Air Quality Objectives in the shortest possible timeframe, Bristol introduced a Clean Air Zone in November 2022. Air quality monitoring has shown a decline in pollutant concentrations in recent years. It is important that future development in Bristol supports the improving Air Quality throughout Bristol. At the individual development level, this should be managed through sound determination and effective mitigation of air quality impacts. This is why Air Quality Assessments in Bristol are required.

Air Quality Assessments for Planning

Air Quality Assessments in Bristol are now required in support of nearly all planning applications for new developments. Typically, these comprise assessment of three main elements. These are:

  • Potential exposure of future occupiers to harmful pollution levels.
  • The impact of emissions from vehicles travelling to and from the scheme.
  • The impact of dust emissions generated during construction.

Addressing these as part of your application could be the deciding factor for consent or refusal.

Air Quality Assessments in Bristol

The success of your planning application could be aided by Redmore Environmental’s experience of undertaking Air Quality Assessments in Bristol and throughout the UK. You will gain advice on planning applications and discharging conditions to addressing consultation responses and public comments. We have produced Air Quality Assessments in Bristol for residential and educational schemes, as well as industrial and commercial facilities. Last year alone, over 500 assessments were completed in support of developments similar to yours.

Across Bristol, we have been involved in a number of exciting projects in the recent years. These include:

  • Stafford Yard, Bedminster – Part of the wider Bedminster Green Regeneration, we provided Air Quality Assessments to support planning applications for Plot 4 – demolition of the existing light industrial units and construction of 295 residential units, Plot 4b – redevelopment of the site to provide a multi-storey car park and Plot 5 – redevelopment of the existing site to provide 330 residential apartments and commercial space. The planning applications for Plots 4 and 4b have been granted subject to conditions, with Plot 5 pending consideration. Here’s our case study for a more detailed review of the project.
  • Clarence Road, Bristol – Located opposite Temple Meads within the Temple Quarter Regeneration Zone, the former Peugeot Dealership and Victoria House will be redeveloped into a mixed-use development comprising 437 build-to-rent apartments and flexible commercial, business and services floorspace and public realm improvements within the heart of Bristol City Centre.
  • Gas Lane, Bristol – Planning consent has been granted for a Purpose Built Student Accommodation to provide 260 rooms. The development forms part of the University of Bristol’s Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus planning consent granted in 2019. The development has recently been acquired by local real estate investment, development and property manager Hines. Further detail of our involvement can be found in our case study.
  • West Town Road, Avonmouth – Construction and operation of a Bio-CNG fuelling facility. Bio-CNG is a sustainable and renewable gas produced from waste feedstocks as food waste and sewage sludge. The target market for the development is the Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) fleet, where an increasing number of operators are looking to replace diesel fuelled vehicles with Bio-CNG.
  • Broomhill Road, Brislington – The development proposals comprised the demolition of the existing buildings on site and subsequent construction of 34 industrial units providing 3,410m2 of floorspace alongside associated landscaping and infrastructure.

Air Quality Assessment Services

Our air quality experts specialise in all aspects of air quality consultancy. Those relating to planning include:

Additional Services

We also have expertise in the following areas:

Get in Touch

If you are concerned about air quality or require an Air Quality Assessment in Bristol undertaking to support a planning application for your development, then please get in touch today to discuss how we can help you ensure permission is granted.

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