Medium Combustion Plant and Specified Generators: Permitting Update

Medium Combustion Plant

The Environment Agency are currently implementing new medium combustion plant permit requirements. This is in response to Schedule 25 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations which brings in permitting obligations for medium combustion plant and specified generators in phases depending on the capacity of the combustion plant and the date it was brought into operation.

To date, the Environment Agency has permitted all new medium combustion plant applications and standalone Tranche A&B specified generators. These are classed as Phase I.

The Environment Agency are now preparing for Phase II to ensure plant can be permitted by the relevant dates. These include the following:

  • Existing standalone medium combustion plant between 5-50MWth must have a permit by 1 January 2024. They must subsequently comply with emission limit values by 1 January 2025.
  • Existing medium combustion plant between 5-50MWth which is classified as a directly associated activity must have emission limit values applied to their permit and comply by 1 January 2025.
  • Remaining tranche A 5-50MWth generators must have a permit by 1 January 2025. They must also comply with emission limit values by the same date.

When will Environmental Permitting Commence for Phase II Plant?

Applications for new permits or variations for existing standalone plant between 5-50MWth will commence by 31 March 2023 at the latest.

The Environment Agency will review Environmental Permits held for existing medium combustion plant between 5-50MWth as part of Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) installations. This is to ensure they are Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) compliant as a minimum.

Reviews at industrial food, drink and milk and biowaste sectors are currently underway as part of a wider review programme. Where a review is not already planned, a Regulation 61 notice will be issued in summer 2023. This will require the necessary annex 1 information with subsequent variations implemented during 2024.

Will There be any New Standard Rules Permits or Changes to Guidance?

Issue of two new standard rules permits will occur before 31 March 2023. These will allow an easier permitting route for low risk installations, as well as a lower cost to operators.

To help support the new Environmental Permitting requirements, the Environment Agency are planning to update a large amount of guidance relating to medium combustion plant and specified generators. This will complement the revisions implemented on 4 January 2023 in relation to the upcoming application launch.

Do You Need Help with a Medium Combustion Plant Permit?

We have helped obtain Environmental Permits for medium combustion plant and specified generators throughout the UK. These have included:

Operatation of your medium combustion plant or specified generators into the future will require an Environmental Permit from the Environment Agency. This is in addition to planning consent for new facilities. Redmore Environmental can assist with all aspects of the permitting and planning process, including the provision of Air Quality Assessments or Dispersion Modelling Assessments to support the application, as well as emissions monitoring following commission.

Please get in touch with one of Air Quality Consultants today to discuss how we can help you with the process or visit the Medium Combustion Plant services page on our website.

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