Construction Dust Assessments Guidance Updated

Construction Dust Assessments continue to play a vital part in tackling the issue of air pollution associated with new developments across the UK. With the increasing research into health and amenity impacts as a result of dust emissions generated during construction, a requirement for updated guidance and methodologies to assess their impact has emerged. In response, the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) has released their ‘Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction V2.2’. This provides environmental consultants with the most up to date methodology on how to undertake this type of analysis.
What are Construction Dust Assessments?
Emissions of dust occur throughout a development’s construction phase. These stages include demolition, land clearance, construction and off-site transportation of materials. The releases may cause air quality impacts through:
- Annoyance due to soiling of surfaces;
- Effects on human health from inhalation of suspended particles, especially Particulate Matter;and
- Harm to ecological receptors.
The scale of the impact from such activities depends on a number of variables such as site conditions, meteorological factors and mitigation techniques. Local Authorities therefore require Construction Dust Assessments to be undertaken by an experienced practitioner in order to ensure that effects are correctly identified and sufficiently minimised.
The release of IAQM’s updated guidance in January ensures that practitioners are provided with a methodology that reflects the most recent air quality research. As a result, effects can be minimised in accordance with recommended strategies.
Can Redmore Environmental Help You?
Redmore Environmental has over 50 years’ combined experience in the air quality industry, with significant involvement in emissions from construction sites. We have worked on a number of large scale projects for a range of development types. This has included providing input for Construction Dust Assessments and Continuous Dust Monitoring Programmes.
If you have a requirement for Construction Dust Assessments, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our specialist team today to find out how we can help you.
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