Odour Abatement Performance Review – GP Plantscape Composting Facility, Blantyre

Redmore Environmental was commissioned to undertake an Odour Abatement Performance Review of existing emission control systems at the GP Plantscape composting facility, Newhousemill Road, Blantyre, Scotland.
Two distinct composting operations are undertaken at the facility. Source separated green waste is processed on the southern section of the site using an open air turned windrow system, whilst co-mingled waste is processed separately using an In-Vessel Composting (IVC) plant.
The IVC plant features a building air extraction and biofilter abatement system. This was installed to reduce the potential for fugitive emissions from the waste reception hall and to provide treatment of process odours. Monitoring of abatement plant performance is a regulatory requirement and is recommended in best practice guidance. As such, an Odour Abatement Performance Review was undertaken in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the system and provide recommendations for any remedial work required to optimise performance.
Odour Abatement Performance Review
A programme of monitoring and measurement work was undertaken at the facility in order to evaluate the performance of the existing abatement system. This included assessment of the following parameters:
- Biofilter odour abatement performance;
- Biofilter media moisture content and pH;
- Biofilter media volume; and,
- Volumetric air flow rates.
Extractive sampling of untreated and treated air was undertaken using the lung principle method of collection in order to evaluate the abatement performance of the biofilter. The samples were subsequently analysed by a UKAS accredited laboratory in accordance with British Standard EN13725 Air Quality – Determination of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry so that the reduction efficiency of the system could be determined. Samples of the biofilter media were also collected to evaluate the moisture content and pH.
Following completion of the monitoring and measurement work, detailed analysis of the results was undertaken to determine the overall abatement performance of the system. This made reference to industry best practice guidance on recommended operating parameters for emission control technology and Best Available Techniques (BAT).
The results of the Odour Abatement Performance Review indicated that existing systems installed at the facility were contributing to effective control of emissions. A detailed report was prepared to summarise the findings. This included a number of recommendations for remedial measures and further investigative work to assist with system optimisation and alignment of the existing technology with industry standards.
How Can we Help?
If you require an Odour Abatement Performance Review, or support with any other odour issue, then please get in touch with a member of our team today to find out more about how we can help with any problem you may be facing.
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