Oak Lane, Calf Heath, Staffordshire

Calf Heath Odour Assessment

Redmore Environmental was instructed to undertake an Odour Assessment in support of a residential development on land off Oak Lane, Calf Heath, Staffordshire. The proposals comprised the change of use of an existing stable block into a residential unit. As the site lay adjacent to an operational dairy farm, concerns were raised by the local council that there may be amenity issues at the position of the proposed dwelling.

Scope of Works

A two-stage assessment was undertaken to analyse potential impacts at the site. This included as series of several Field Odour Surveys to take account of differing weather conditions and a Risk Assessment. During the Field Odour Surveys a number of factors were taken into consideration, such as the prevailing meteorology and the level of odour at pre-determined survey sites. The Risk Assessment was completed using the methodology provided within the Institute of Air Quality Management document ‘Guidance on the Assessment of Odour for Planning‘.

Staffordshire Odour Assessment Findings

The results of the surveys indicated that overall odour exposure was negligible at all monitoring positions. The Risk Assessment predicted negligible to slight impacts as a result of emissions from the dairy farm. Although slight impacts were predicted, these were considered to be not significant due to further consideration of meteorological conditions, the less offensive nature of the emissions, the small size of the dairy farm and the agricultural nature of the surrounding area. Based on the combined results of both assessments, impacts from the dairy farm were not considered a constraint to planning consent for the development.

How Can We Help?

If you are concerned about air quality or odour issues that may affect your development, or impacts from any other sources of atmospheric emissions, then get in touch today to discuss how we can help you ensure planning permission is granted.

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