Heysham, Lancashire

Baseline Air Testing - Heysham, Lancaster

Redmore Environmental was commissioned to undertake Baseline Air Testing on land at a proposed Energy from Waste (EfW) facility in Heysham, Lancashire.

The proposed EfW facility will process circa 300,000 tonnes per annum of residual waste in order to generate electricity and heat, which will be exported for use at local commercial and residential premises. This process is identified as a form of energy recovery.

Why is Baseline Air Testing required in support of Energy from Waste Installations?

The operation of an EfW facility may result in atmospheric emissions from the combustion of waste and subsequently contribute to increases in pollutant levels at human and ecological receptors. As such, it is important to determine existing air quality conditions within the vicinity of a proposed installation through the implementation of a comprehensive programme of baseline air testing. This may involve the use of multiple sampling methods in order to quantify a broad range of pollutants in the atmosphere.

Baseline Air Testing Sampling Methods and Pollutants Tested

The Baseline Air Testing comprised two stages. Each involved a detailed sampling campaign developed by one of our Air Quality Consultants in collaboration with the client and review of the proposed EfW process. A full range of our testing capabilities can be found on our Air Quality Monitoring services page.

The first stage comprised a programme of Continuous Active Sampling which was undertaken using an AQ Mesh Air Quality Monitor. This device uses electrochemical sensor technology to measure ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations. Different fractions of particulate matter can also be recorded and are measured using a light-scattering optical particle counter.

Prior to the deployment of the AQ Mesh Air Quality Monitor, the unit was configured by one of our specially trained Air Quality Consultants to undertake monitoring of NO2 concentrations at 1-minute intervals and measurement of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10µm (PM10) and less than 2.5µm (PM2.5) at 15-minute intervals. This was then placed on site and remained at its location for the course of one year.

Passive monitoring for ammonia (NH3) and NO2 was also undertaken at ten locations during the first stage of the Baseline Air Testing. This included the use of passive diffusion tube samplers.

The second stage of the Baseline Air Testing comprised a passive monitoring campaign in order to quantify NO2, sulphur dioxide (SO2), NH3, hydrogen fluoride (HF) and hydrogen chloride (HCl) concentrations. This was undertaken for an extended period using diffusion tube samplers at two separate locations within the vicinity of the proposed EfW site.


The Baseline Air Testing produced a complete data set of existing air quality conditions within the vicinity of the proposed EfW site. The results for individual pollutants were reviewed, compared with relevant Air Quality Standards set for the protection of human and ecological health and analysed in an overarching technical report.

How Can We Help?

If you require Baseline Air Testing to be undertaken in support of proposed combustion plant or have any concerns regarding existing air quality conditions that may affect your development, then please get in touch with a member of our team today to find out about how we can help you.

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