South End Road, London

Camden Odour Assessment

Redmore Environmental was instructed to undertake an Odour Assessment in support of an artisan bakery and café in Bushey Heath, Camden, North London. The proposals include the refurbishment of an existing building to produce a range of specialist breads, bagels and doughnuts for consumption on and off the premises.

Camden Odour Assessment

The proposed baking activities had the potential to cause odour impacts in the vicinity of the site. Although a ventilation system had been specified by the Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, the local planning authority was concerned that it would not provide sufficient emission dispersion or filtration due to the built up nature of the site and surroundings. An Odour Assessment was therefore undertaken using the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) document ‘Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems‘. This has been produced to help identify the risk of odour associated with food preparation premises and define an appropriate level of mitigation to control potential effects. The analysis considered the size and nature of the releases, the flue arrangements and the proximity of the site to local residents to assess impacts.

The results of the assessment indicated that the specified ventilation system did not provide the amount of odour reduction required by the DEFRA guidance. Redmore Environmental therefore worked with the Mechanical and Electrical Engineers and Architect to produce a solution to reduce potential impacts whilst limiting costs for the bakery owner. This was subsequently accepted by the local planning authority and the premises were permitted to open.

How Can We Help?

If you are concerned about air quality or odour issues that may affect your development, or impacts from any other sources of atmospheric emissions, then get in touch today to discuss how we can help you ensure planning permission is granted.

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