Odour Assessment – Anstey Lane, Leicester

Odour Assessment - Leicester

Redmore Environmental Ltd was commissioned to undertake an Odour Assessment in support of a residential-led scheme on land off Anstey Lane, Leicester. The proposals included the construction of a five-storey building to house 15 residential units, as well as office space and associated facilities.


The site is bordered by a bar and grill and a curry house to the west, with a hot food takeaway and second grill house further afield to the west and south of the site, respectively. Following submission of the planning application, concerns were raised by Leicester City Council that cooking odours from these establishments may lead to loss of amenity for future residents. It was therefore requested that mechanical ventilation be installed throughout the development to control potential impacts. This would have led to associated costs for the contractor and an Odour Assessment was instructed with the aim of removing the requirement for mitigation.

Leicester Odour Assessment

Following further consultation with the council, a two-stage assessment was undertaken to analyse odour impacts at the site and assess the requirement for mechanical ventilation. This included two Field Odour Surveys to take account of differing weather conditions and a Risk Assessment.

During the Field Odour Surveys a number of factors were taken into consideration. These included the prevailing meteorology and the level of odour at representative survey sites. The Risk Assessment was completed using the methodology provided within the Institute of Air Quality Management document ‘Guidance on the Assessment of Odour for Planning’ and analysed source potential, pathway effectiveness and receptor sensitivity.

Assessment Outcomes

The results of the Field Odour Surveys indicated odour exposure ranged between negligible and slight at the proposed site, whilst the Risk Assessment predicted slight impacts as a result of emissions from the eating and drinking establishments.

Although slight impacts were predicted, it was concluded that these were not significant due to further consideration of meteorological conditions, the offensiveness of the odours and the scale of the odour sources. Based on the assessment results, impacts were not considered to represent a constraint to the proposed development and mechanical ventilation was not necessary.

How Can We Help?

If you are concerned about air quality or odour issues that may affect your development, or impacts from any other sources of atmospheric emissions, then get in touch today to discuss how we can help you ensure planning permission is granted.

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