Blackfriars Street, Salford

Salford Air Quality Assessment

Redmore Environmental was instructed to undertake an Air Quality Assessment in support of a residential development in Salford, Greater Manchester. The proposals included redevelopment and extension of an existing building on Blackfriars Street, to provide 34 residential units and associated infrastructure.

Salford Air Quality Assessment

The development was located within an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). This is an area identified by Salford City Council as experiencing elevated pollution levels, specifically heightened concentrations of nitrogen dioxide within the vicinity of the road network as a result of vehicle exhaust emissions. It was therefore necessary to assess the baseline air quality at the proposed site, ensuring the suitability of the location for its intended residential end-use.

Proposed developments can also lead to significant changes in daily traffic flow on the local road network as a result of occupants travelling to and from the site. This may increase existing pollution problems within the surrounding area. Thus, considerations were made during this assessment of the impact of the proposals on traffic flow. This analysis indicated that the number of additional vehicle movements associated with the scheme would likely lead to minimal air quality impacts, with negligible change from existing conditions.

Redmore Environmental carried out detailed dispersion modelling utilising the ADMS-Roads software packgae in order to assess the pollution levels at the site.  The results of the assessment revealed air quality at the development was predicted to be within safe standards, based on government guidance, and the report as subsequently used to support the planning application for the proposals.

How Can We Help?

If you are concerned about air quality issues associated with your development or need a report for submission with an outline or full planning application, do not hesitate to get in touch with us today and discuss a unique approach suited to your needs.

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